Different poets have different ways to find new poems. Some rely on their muse to drop by every now and then, and drop some words and hints that may become a poem. Others dedicate a certain amount of time every day, and struggle with putting words together to form a poem.
In the past I've tended to let my muse come and visit whenever it can, and been thankful if I can write a poem eventually. This month though has been different. This month I signed up for the Month of Poetry, run by Queensland poet Kathryn Apel.
For the Month of Poetry, which is running for all of January 2012, Kathryn asked poets to decide whether they were prepared to sign up to submit one poem every day of January, or otherwise, sign up to submit a poem occasionally.
In a possible fit of madness, I signed up to write and submit a new poem every day. This has been an interesting exercise, I've never committed to such an intensive writing challenge before. I've always been happy when a poem happens, just flutters by for me to grab and hold. As a consequence, usually I only manage one or possibly two new poems every week.
When I signed up for this Month of Poetry, I wasn't sure if I was capable of managing it, but I hoped I was. As it turns out, I've been able to find a new poem easily most days. On some days I've even written more than one new poem. This is something I'm proud of.
It hasn't been easy, writing some of the poems, and I don't claim they're all masterpieces. One of the great things about doing this challenge though, is that once a poem is posted to the website, the other people involved can critique each poem if they wish to. I've had some extremely valuable tips and ideas for some of my poems, which I've used to edit my poem to make it better. It has been an wonderful group of people who truly want to help create fine poetry.
The other great thing about this is that it's a closed group, requiring a password to access the poems. This means, as far as I understand it, that the poems on the website would not be classified as 'published', making them eligible for submission to publishers or competitions that require unpublished poems.
With the need to write a new poem every day, I've been finding poems all over the place, writing about my own health issues, my family life, my dogs, responses to images and my own comments written on Facebook, or blogs.
I've written haiku, sonnets, ballads and free verse. Some of the poems are posted on this website, and have received further comments. Some I consider to be practice poems, with no merit beyond keeping my fingers moving to produce lines, with little artistic merit. They were not a waste of time, they were words that needed to be written, perhaps, to make room for better words in later poems.
Anyway, the poem here is my poem for today, 20 January. It received some favourable comments on the Month of Poetry website and I like what it says, so I'm posting in my own Poetry Website.
The story for this morning's poem goes like this - I wrote a comment on John Malone's Facebook page as I was having my coffee this morning. I liked what I'd written so much I copied the words I liked and pasted them to a blank word doc, then wrote some more words, and played with it all. I liked it enough to post it to the Month of Poetry website.
Then I left it to collect thoughts from others. I had another look at the poem and decided it would be better in two verses. I made the change, and now I'm happy enough with the poem to put it here!
Feel free to read it and leave a comment here!
Enough time
Every moment in life
is a poem, waiting
for the poet to see it,
think on it,
be with it,
and write down the words.
Every life has enough time
for writing poetry –
you have the potential
for as many poems
as you have moments
in your life.
very true, Carolyn BUT think how many poems there would be if everybody acted on that principle :) could the world take that many poems? would such an output diminish the overall value of poetry?
I don't know, a world full of poets could be great fun... think of the conversations we'd have! Lovely poem Carolyn :)
Thank you both for your thoughts on this poem. If everybody acted on the principle surely the world would be a better place?
I agree with Sarah that it could be great fun. I've loved the poetry slams I've been at, with people putting their words and performance skills up there for evaluation, lots of fun.
There have certainly been some cross losers and some angry words behind the scenes, but as far as I know, no blood's been shed!
Sharing poetry is an intimate and lovely thing to do, and I love attending poetry readings to share words with friends.
I think the more poetry the better! I say 'Peace through Poetry!'
If we all followed the lead in your wonderful poem, who would have time for war?
I love this and your others. This is my favorite!
Don't stop!
XO. Jen
If you are Down Under are we Up Over?
Sometimes I look at the news Jen, and it seems your country is way Up Over the Top of sensibleness and sensitivity.
These Republicans carrying on, looking at it from Australia is totally weird and seems so wrong.
We have our political issues here, but...
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