Yesterday I wrote a new poem. I was early for the Gawler Poetry Readings to begin, so I got out my lined paper and began writing a new poem.
The writing of this poem had two purposes. Firstly, it was something to do while I waited for everyone else to arrive, and secondly, it was an opportunity to record some of my thoughts on the interesting political matters that had been attracting a lot of my attention.
The political matters pertain to the leadership of the Australian Labor Party. I went a little mad on Friday and Saturday, avidly following tweets to #respill, where the political comments flew fast and thick. I put in some tweets of my own, and picked up and lost a few followers, having some of my own tweets retweeted. This was a little bit of a thrill for me.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about here, don't worry, it's not actually terribly important, in the greater scheme of things. No lives were lost, and only metaphorical shots were fired. I like to pretend I'm one of the 'players' in political journalism, but of course my readership and follow numbers are minimal... It amuses me and keeps me off the streets, so that may be a good thing!
Anyway. The leadership challenge has happened now. Australia still has its first female prime minister who far too many of my fellow Australians hate, and the opposition leader is still abhorrent to me. We shall see how it all pans out over the next few days, weeks or months.
I may get out that poem I wrote yesterday, or I may leave it to sink into obscurity. It doesn't matter, the words are down, and my time was spent in a way I enjoyed. All poems are important to me, but they're not all important for the same reasons...
Do you ever write poems that aren't necessarily there to be shared? Please tell...
a good question, Carolyn; yes there are \a few autobiographical poems that I have not shared in their original state but I have rewritten them so the original subject matter is obscured without taking away from the poem.
One of my most publshed poems --- 'Shame' --- fits in here as does 'Boy On A Train Crying' which I perform every time I have an audience
Thank you for your comments John. There are poems in my poetry collection I would never have thought of sharing if I hadn't been so desperately wanting to connect with other people who would understand what I was saying.
I'm not sure if that makes sense to you, maybe it does, but I've moved beyond shame now. Now that I know I'm not alone in the shameful things that have happened to me, and now that I can apply the 'shameful' label to the other person, now I have moved further along to being the best person I can be.
Shame is a label that shouldn't be accepted when others give it to you, and most of the time we apply is to ourselves wrongly too. Things happen, we consider them and we move on as and when we can. Mindfulness can teach the way. Listening truly to ourselves and to others is a guide to gaining knowledge.
I've written about properly listening here
I've written several poems that really, were only for me to process my life at the time. I found it very theraputic! Besides, nothing like times of insanity to bring out the poet :-)
I have them stored in a folder labeled, "Present shock-future growth."
Thanks Dr J, I have a great belief in the therapeutic value of creative writing. My first poetry collection was a wonderful cathartic process for me, and I feel liberated because I've let out some ghosts that have been haunting me from childhood and beyond.
Writing the words down and playing with the things that happened, looking at points of view, and so on helped me. I've heard from others who've found comfort from reading my words too, which has been wonderful to hear.
Shock value growth sound like an interesting theme, I may use that one soon!
Thank you.
your words are very topical as you know wath with the talk of an Aplogy to all those unwed mothers of the fifties and sixties in Australia who were made to feel shame for what happened to them and coerced or persuaded to give up their babies for adoption. I hope one of those mothers takes up her pen as you did regarding your background and writes and writes and ....
I find that writing out the words helps to come to terms with things that happen in life.
Whether it's creative writing or journal writing, it can help so much to examine your thoughts again after you've written them down. My mum has begun using a journal and she finds it so helpful in organising her thoughts.
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