Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Project - Poems about Vegetables

Hello everybody,

I've just today decided on a new project for next year. It will be new and exciting and it will be of benefit to young people and their parents. First, I'll let you know what I need, then I'll explain what it's all about.

OK, this is what I need:

Poems about vegetables, suitable for people under the age of thirteen. Funny poems for preference, but beggars can't be losers - I'd like a broad range of poems. I'm sorry, I have no money, so I can't pay you for using the poem, but I will acknowledge the poets of the poems I use.

Are you intrigued? Are you wondering what on earth this could be about?

Well, this is what it's about. One of hats I wear is the hat of a Community Foodie. As a Community Foodie, it is my role to help people make the best food choices in terms of nutrition. I love poetry too, so I'd love to combine the two things and work with children to explore poetry and vegetables in a fun way.

I want to get a collection of great vegetable poems, some interesting looking vegetables and visit local Primary schools. I will talk about vegetables, ask the students for their thoughts about vegetables, read some of the vegetable poems. Then, I hope, the students will write their own poems about vegetables.

I'd like to have some vegetables for the students to eat, perhaps crudites, or savoury muffins, or something else (ideas most welcome!).

So that's it. I'd like to have some of my own vegetable poems as part of the whole thing, I just have to write them! I have plenty of time still, but, as I said, I need help. If you have a poem, or know of one, please leave a comment here and we can get this project going!


john malone said...

I have a kids' poem about brussels sprouts and one about carrots; how's that for starters?

you can use my poems if you wish: the brussels sprouts poem is around somewhere but I can find it if you let me know.

the project sounds interesting

Carolyn Cordon said...

Wow, two poems! That would be great if you let me use them John. I care about the health of these little darlings. They need their veggies! I had to eat them when I was a kid, they should have to eat them too!
Carrots re yummy, crunchy and sweet. Brussels sprouts are ... Well maybe I have to read your poem to find something positive to say. They re crunchy, if they haven't been boiled to mush. I don't have many good childhood memories of Brussels sprouts.

TK said...

great thoughts here Carolyn.....will see what I can pen!!!

Carolyn Cordon said...

Thanks TK - maybe Max can give you some ideas!

Carolyn Cordon said...

After the success of the Vegetable Victory Program last year, I'm taking it to another Primary School this year, I think. I'm waiting on the word from the school, woo hoo! It will be with older students this time, so it will be interesting to me to gauge the differences between the two age groups.