Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bush Slam Our ABC

Well Aunty ABC has done something wonderful! They've brought the country and the city together and shown the wonders of the former to the rest of Australia. This program on channel Two and 7.00pm is an absolute treasure, once to follow and view over and over again.

The poets connect with the town they visit for three days, write a poem about the town and have their work judged by the people of the town. It is clever, sincere, moving, wonderful. I commend the ABC for having to courage to run with this wonderful program and I hope they do another series, and another, and another!

Aunty, you've done us proud and I thank you.


TK said...

I am with you...this is just a fantastic series...I don't want it to end!!! Go Aunty, do us proud!!!Keep on keeping us inspired & thinking fresh & wonderful thoughts about our beautiful country! TK

Essay Writer said...

YUP that's right.

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IM said...

I agree

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Anonymous said...

Mee Too

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Unknown said...

In my suggestion its always better to end things when they are on peak. Its best thing stay in the memories of people for long time.

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Anonymous said...

Yeah, its going well. I do not think that the decision to discontinue it would be a good idea.

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Carolyn Cordon said...

Eight shows is not enough, I would love twice that number, then another series next year.