OK, we are now officially headed toward the final stages of the Adelaide Plains Poets Poetry Competition. The theme is "Life, The Universe and Everything" and entries are due by 8 January 2010. Because of the Postal funny business, entries that arrive after that date will probably be OK, but once the entries go to the judge, that's it.
So if you've been meaning to enter the competition, make the most of any quiet spot in the Festive Season madness and get your entry done and posted. And if you are an adult, please, don't forget the fees! There's no point giving Australia Post even more money - send the fee with the poem/s.
And of course if you are a Secondary or Primary School student, get your poem in, no fee, just fill out an entry form and send it in.
I know from past experience that most of the entries will arrive in the few days around the closing date, but still... You could try to get them in earlier!
Thanks for reading, and feel free to make a comment on any of the posts on this website. I'd love to get into a discussion with you!