Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Passion

It has been brought to my attention that those using a hand held devise rather than a desk top computer may not be able to read or access the entry form or guidelines for our new poetry competition. Therefore, here they are, feel free to cut and paste, and share them with others!



‘My Passion’

1st, 2nd & 3rd cash prizes, plus Highly Commended & Commended certificates as awarded by judge. Total prize pool over $750



  • Work entered in this competition must be original, in English, unpublished and not have won a prize in any other competition. Authors retain copyright.
  • Theme ‘My Passion’
  • Poems entered must in some way refer to the theme
  • Open Class - poets 18 years & older
  • Junior classes –
    • Primary School student (one poem only)
    • Secondary School student (one poem only)
  • To maintain anonymity, entrant’s name should appear on entry form only, not on poems. Entry forms are to include entrant’s name, address, phone number, titles of poems submitted.
  • Entries should be typed where possible, on one side of paper only, one poem to a page
  • Poems to be no longer than 60 lines
  • Entry fees: Open class $5.00 per poem entered
            Junior classes - no entry fee, only one poem per student
  • Cheques/money orders to be made payable to Adelaide Plains Poets Inc
  • Entries to: Competition Secretary, 1594 Germantown Rd REDBANKS SA 5502
  • Entries to be received by close of business 24 January 2014 – entries received after this date will not be considered for the competition.
  • Authors should retain a copy of their work, entries will not be returned without provision of a SSAE

For further details contact:
Ms C Cordon (08) 85272412; 0418 806 490;;

With assistance from      5th element unearthed


‘My Passion’





Title of poem/s - ……………………………………………………..
(use back of page for additional entries)

Entrants’ names or other details must not appear on poems

Declaration by author: I agree to comply with the Entry Guidelines and declare that the written work submitted in my name is my own original work and has not been copied in part, or in full, from any other source.

Author’s signature……………………………………………………...
Date of birth (if entering junior section) ………………………….……….…..
Name of school (if entering junior section) …………………………………….



Cheques/money orders to be made payable to Adelaide Plains Poets Inc, and sent with entries to Competition Secretary, 1594 Germantown Rd REDBANKS SA 5502
Authors should retain a copy of their work, entries will not be returned without provision of a stamped self-addressed envelope, and a written request.

            With assistance from       5th element unearthed

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Poetry Competition Adelaide Plains Poets

So, today is the day for the Adelaide Plains Poets annual Poetry Competition to go out into the world. The entry form and guidelines are written and are here on this blog. They will be sent out to writing centres and groups around Australia over the next weeks. 

The theme for this competition came in part from several different people. The initial idea that led to the theme of 'My Passion', came from an idea from a wanna be politician. This person suggested 'Sport' as a theme. This was rejected as being too narrow, and not interesting enough to poets. We pride ourselves on having themes for our competitions that are broad enough to appeal to creative people with amazing ideas!

On thinking further on the theme though, and having listened to the heartfelt way the proposer spoke of his passion for his particular sport, the idea of passion crept into the possible mix for the theme for this competition. Creative people are passionate people, with passions for life, for words, for Nature, for life!

So, another conversation, this time with the lovely person involved in supporting our competition for the 2012/2013 year. We spoke of Passion, our passions for life, and so the idea of 'My Passion' came into being, with the promise of support again from the 5th Element Unearthed, if 'My Passion' becomes the theme for the 2013/2014 competition.

This idea was put to members of the Adelaide Plains Chapter and Verse group, and held to be a fine idea, and so the decision was made! 

If you have a grand passion in your life and you want to share it with the world, put pen to paper and write it down, then send your entry in! The entry form and guidelines are on the right hand side of this page, copy and paste as required. I'll be waiting for your entry/ies!

Many thanks to Tom and Maxine from 5th element unearthed, I love the passion you both put into your lives! (I love your sublime extra virgin olive oil too, by the way!)